Tour Info: Lower Zambezi National Park

I have just returned from a weekend recce trip to the Lower Zambezi National Park, courtesy of Anabezi and Amanzi Camps, who laid on a fantastic tour of their two beautiful properties and an insight into the exciting safari experiences on offer in that area of the National Park. The view over the river as the plane approaches the Jeki airstrip is absolutely beautiful. Immediately after landing, visitors are struck by the scale of the habitat [...]

A View from the Luangwa – May 2019

Photographers often claim that taking and publishing images is assisting with conservation - we are "conservation photographers" they claim. Some cite raising awareness of the plight of certain species -- think rhino, elephant and pangolin. Others talk more of promoting the beauty of the Natural world with some optimistic expectation that this will reverse the damage that is being caused by humankind. I have intentionally started this article with a challenging paragraph that might appear to [...]

Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust – Annual Report

Earlier this month, I announced that I am adding Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust to the beneficiaries of my Conservation Fund. I believe strongly in their work for the future of conservation in this wonderful area. They recently produced their 20th Chipembele Annual Report, with the following introduction from their Founders: Dear Supporter, In 2018 we celebrated Chipembele’s 20th year of operation. We’ve come far! It all began back in 1998 when Steve and I camped in [...]

Wildlife: Hamerkop social behaviour

On a short drive in the bush this morning -- mainly to check the condition of the local roads and to see which areas are opening up after the rains, I spotted hamerkops in a small group along the edge of a drainage channel. They are often found in groups of 3-10, sharing a feeding source or resting on the only available stump in a fast-flowing stream. I also know that they have the tendency of [...]

Through the Lens: Lion Skirmish

One amazing day in September 2013, I set out from Lion Camp for a morning drive and, by 10am, we had seen 31 lions! Amazing as that was, it was more the quality of the sightings that were wonderful. Not surprisingly, it was the time that led up to the incredible moment captured in the title image that sticks most in my mind...one of those incredible experiences that you wonder afterwards if it really happened and [...]

Tour Info: Landscapes of Luangwa

Visitors to the South Luangwa always comment on the variety and beautiful nature of our landscapes and habitats. It is a truly stunning park. Not only does the vegetation and landscape change rapidly as you travel along the river, there is variation depending on the distance from the permanent water of the Luangwa. This variety is wonderful for our experience in the bush, but also makes for stunning photographic opportunities. We can decide to spend time [...]

A View from the Luangwa – April 2019

Last year, I announced that I was making a USD $5 per person per night donation to Conservation projects in the South Luangwa for the 2018 season. I wanted to ensure that my organisation supports the work that is done to protect the environment that I love to work in and that my business relies on. I'm very pleased to say that I will continue the donations in 2019, and I'll double them to USD $10pppn [...]

Through the Lens: Wild dogs at play

Wild dogs are one of the most sought-after species on safari; they are fun, energetic and highly endangered. But getting photos that do justice to all these characteristics is much harder than it appears. Wild dogs are beautiful, but their eyes -- which usually say a lot about an animal -- are hidden in a black facial mask. Added to this, they tend to walk with their heads held low, and they flop gracelessly onto their [...]

NGO and Wedding Photoshoots

Sorry that I haven't updated my blog in a while; this is usually a time of year that I am busy with bookings but also able to add (hopefully) useful content to my blog! But, in the last month, I have been doing photoshoots almost daily for local NGO's, charities and companies as well as photographing a wonderful bush wedding. Since the start of March, I have taken 12,000 images.....and my Lightroom is groaning under the [...]

A View from the Luangwa – March 2019

In previous articles in this series, I have talked about community projects in wildlife areas. As a brief summary - it's agreed that tourism operators should investing in education, schools, clean water and healthcare for the people living in and around the wildlife area. The obligation of this is clear; communities should benefit from the natural resources around them. But the positives for operators of this are clear too: if people are healthier, better educated and [...]

Going on a night drive in South Luangwa

Darkness arrives very quickly in Africa. As you watch the rich light of afternoon bathing the area in gold, behind you the sun is racing towards the horizon. Turn to look towards the west and you will find the sun ranging from white to yellow to gold through orange and red to pink...and then gone. Being so close to the equator, the sun traces a very high arc through the sky. It appears to rise fast, [...]

Guest Report: Michael Jeffords | Extended Luangwa | 1 – 12 October 2018

I had been talking at length with Michael and Sue before they travelled with me in October 2018. I knew I was going to enjoy the company of two very experienced naturalists who have, among many other things, edited the conservation magazine for the University of Illinois for many years. They are also authors and have published several books, the latest of which, Curious Encounters with the Natural World is well worth a read and I [...]

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