Photo Safari Skills: Question from Steve Webb

It's great to hear from readers of my blog at any time, but particularly when they're having trouble with their cameras or need some advice. This gives a chance to explore their problem and everyone can learn from it, including me. Steve recently wrote to me about problems he was having with getting sharp photos using his new Tamron lens. This is what he wrote: "I use aperture priority and with a Nikon 18-300mm lens all [...]

Wildlife: Luangwa’s Green Season

One of the many joys of the summery rainy season is the long days; it's possible to do a day's work and still have time to spend a couple of hours in the bush before dark! I have been taking full advantage of this opportunity over the last few weeks, especially since I will be in the UK and SA for 5 weeks in Jan and Feb where elephant sightings will be more limited....! As always, [...]

Guest Report: Wil Vermeesch | Mfuwe & Nsefu Sector | 8 – 20 August 2018

Wil and Marlies joined me for a great safari in August earlier this year. It was their third trip with me and despite some amazing sightings in the past, probably their best! Wil is very skilled with both stills and video cameras and also with the editing software required to blend them together into a classy montage. Take a look at his photos from Track & Trail and Zikomo Safaris below. Thank you for sharing this [...]

Wildlife: Elephants Celebrate the Floods

The Luangwa has been inundated with wonderful rains over the last few weeks and the river has come up dramatically. This has back-filled into all the lagoons and the dry, desert-like floodplains have been transformed into deep lakes and flooded channels. It's magical to see areas that we have walked and driven across turned into playgrounds for elephants. I made the following images and videos just 200m from our house over the Christmas holiday!  

Guest Report: Fiona MacKay & Raj Hunjan | Legendary Luangwa | 18 – 26 September 2018

Fiona & Raj worked with me to run a photographic tour in September 2018. They have considerable experience running group photographic trips all over Africa via their company Travel & Photography UK. We enjoyed a phenomenal 10 days and I am very grateful to them both for writing a detailed and in-depth review of their experiences. For anyone who's sitting on the fence about coming on safari in South Luangwa, take some time to read about [...]

Press Release from the Zambian Carnivore Programme: Luangwa’s Wild Dogs

The Luangwa Valley is now home to Zambia’s largest African Wild Dog population. Read on for the full press release from the Zambia Carnivore Programme. In an exciting win for conservation, the Luangwa Valley is now estimated to have the largest population of wild dogs in the whole of Zambia. Despite being one of Africa’s most endangered carnivores, wild dogs in and around the South Luangwa National Park have enjoyed several years of increasing numbers, and [...]

Through the Lens: 2018 in Review

As I have done for several years, I've taken a look back at my season and tried to single out some of the best moments. Since my safaris are as much wildlife experiences as photographic ones, the following images represent the best memories, encounters and experiences with fantastic groups of guests, rather than necessarily the best images! I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reliving them! I remember this day like it was [...]

Happy Holidays…

It has been a wonderful year for Edward Selfe Photo Safaris. And I am thrilled with the prospects for 2019 and beyond. Thank you for following the journey. And to all of you who travelled with me, sincerest thanks for making the year what it was. I wish you all a very peaceful and joyful Christmas with your families. As we go into the Festive period, I would like to spare a thought for scouts, patrols, [...]

December in the South Luangwa

December, the month that hosts Christmas, reindeer and visions of robins on snow-capped fence-posts in some parts of the world, is one of the richest and most vibrant times in Luangwa. The rains have almost certainly arrived and the regeneration of the bush is in full swing. As the grass grows back, the scrub pushes out new leaves and the bush suddenly becomes "opaque". Where before it was possible to see long distances through the wiry, [...]

Photo Safari Skills: Why the angle of view is important

Photographers are always seeking ways to add impact to their photos. A well-known trick is to photograph your subject from an interesting angle. Given that we tend to see animals from a slightly elevated position, it is the unusual angles of from "low down" and from "overhead" that are most interesting to viewers. In this article, I'm going to explore the technique of "getting low" and show, with some diagrams and example images, the effect that [...]

Wildlife: A family afternoon in the National Park

With the rainy season starting to take hold, and ever increasing rainfalls, the park is transforming from its dry desolation into a softer, more vital habitat. While there is still very little ground cover - which assists us in finding game - a carpet of short green grass is springing up and the herbivores are playing catch up after months of deprivation. Where the prey lead, the predators will follow and we were lucky to catch [...]

Photo Safari Opportunities in April, May & June 2019

The safari calendar for 2019 is filling up fast with most of the dry season already booked with exciting trips to the best wildlife areas in the Luangwa. However, for some reason, the early dry season months of April, May and June have not attracted as many bookings as normal and I still have space in these under-valued months. If you haven't visited the Luangwa in the early dry season, you are in for a treat [...]

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