Wildlife: Mango Season

In Zambia, we're right at the end of the dry season, there's not a blade of grass anywhere and many animals are choosing to rest and conserve energy rather than expend effort searching for the very small amount of remaining sustenance. But in the last week or so, the Wild Mango trees have come into fruit. Not a moment too early for the elephants who gorge themselves on the soft, sweet fruits, and often fight with [...]

Wildlife: And a morning with some lions….

In the early hours of the morning, we found a large pride lying out in an open area. The boys didn't seem too happy with each other - perhaps one of them stepped out of line. One certainly had a grumpy look on his face... But the cubs were OK, happily playing, stalking each other and posing in the morning sunlight!

Tour Information: Zikomo Safaris | Photo Safari 2015

I will be running a photographic safari at Zikomo Safaris in the Nsefu Sector of the South Luangwa National Park next year, so I went up there to take some photos of the camp for them - you can see their website here http://zikomosafari.amalocal.co.zm/ Here is a selection of the photos - I will be back to do some more soon; there's only so much you can cover in an afternoon! It's a great camp on [...]

Tour Information: On Safari with Ed Selfe

If you would like to come on safari with me, here are a few photos of my previous trips to give you an idea of what we get up to. Clearly, there are many situations where we are busy photographing our subject, rather than each other, so this only shows a small selection of the opportunities available! These photos are mostly taken in situations where we have stopped with the intention of getting out of the [...]

Photo Safari: Luangwa Special | Flatdogs, Lion Camp & Zikomo | 22 – 28 Sep 2014

Day 1: Our September photo safari has started in true Luangwa style (as the photos below show!) with some great sightings. But sadly we are two people short as Roger and Vicky's flight was cancelled at the last minute. They are repeat guests of mine and I'm looking forward to them arriving tomorrow after rescheduling their flight. So we started out with only 4 last evening, on a cool and cloudy afternoon. The light was very [...]

Photo Safari: Filming Lions in the North Luangwa | Part 1

Just back from 2 weeks of filming lions in the North Luangwa National Park for a series on Predators for a big international broadcaster. My next photo safari starts this afternoon, so I don't have time to write much, but here are some photos! I only had my short telephoto lens, so there are some photos that include more landscape than I would like! Initially the lions were very shy and we struggled to get close [...]

Photo Safari: Rouquette Family | Flatdogs, Zikomo, Lion Camp 8 – 20 Aug 2014

Here it is in its entirety - and its entirety is really substantial, so I hope you have a beer or a cup of tea handy, as you may be here for some time! Flatdogs Camp Our first safari at Flatdogs started off well, with a lovely sighting of this Giant Eagle Owl and its chick on the nest in a Rain Tree near the main gate. They nested there a few years ago but abandoned [...]

Photo Safari: Luangwa Classic | Flatdogs & Lion Camp | 21 – 27 Jul 2014

Day 1 I've just finished the first day (1 night drive and 1 morning drive) with my guests from Holland, Wil and Marlies. Very sadly their 2 friends were not able to join them at the last minute so we are only a team of 3 heading into the bush each day. I say sadly because Henk and Kitty have missed some spectacular sightings already. Here's what we've been enjoying in the last 24 hours. The [...]

Photo Safari: Anderson and Co | Jackalberry Safaris | 13 – 19 Jul 2014

On our first morning out, monkey calls led us to 'Alice' the most famous leopardess in Luangwa. I wondered idly how many thousands (millions?) of shutter clicks she has heard in her life... She has two cubs (which were not in evidence) so she's always on the hunt at the moment, and chooses to do so to avoid scavengers. Playing with low-level shots with a herd of obliging zebras was a joy. Along the river, tensions [...]

Wildlife: A day trip to Nsefu

I went up there yesterday to have a look around and see what the game has been doing while we've been away. We were out most of the day, so at times the light was very poor for photography, but during the morning and evening, I took some shots which I'm posting here. The first subject was a very relaxed Pied Kingfisher who simply sat on his twig and allowed me to approach very close... Next [...]

Wildlife: Beautiful Zebras

Along with buffalo, I find zebras hard to photograph. Which is bizarre since they're beautifully marked and often obliging subjects. Anyhow, I was happy to find this trio on the shelf by the river at Lion Camp recently, and the light was perfect. I experimented with some different angles and enjoyed the results. Batchelor groups such as this one are not spooky and, without any foals around, they often arrange themselves nicely to get a better [...]

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