Wildlife: Hunting techniques of African Harrier Hawk

The Gymnogene (or Harrier Hawk) is odd among the raptors because it doesn't conform to the normal stereotype for a bird of prey. Slightly scrawny, with a small bill, and long gangly legs, it doesn't look much of a threat to anyone. But it's learned to capitalise on a under-used food source - baby birds in inaccessible nests, and insects and other invertebrates hidden in crevices in trees. I watched an adult bird feeding at a [...]

Wildlife: Cloudy days

It's been cloudy almost every afternoon that I've been in the park this week. It makes me realise that I do miss the guaranteed afternoon golden light of the dry season. But there are some situations which work well in overcast conditions, provided you can get enough light into the camera to ensure a sharp image. This stumpy-tailed Zebra is well-known to us and lives on a grassy corner just inside the gate. And this big [...]

Wildlife: The rains….

.....have well and truly arrived now. There is long green grass everywhere, the lagoons are filling and the chorus from the birds is deafening as they prepare for breeding. I took a nice drive in the park a few days ago and was pleased to see that there's still plenty of game around. Traditionally, people think that animals move away in the rains, because they don't need to access water at the river, but in fact, [...]

Wildlife: Stroppy Bull

You would think that with all the nice new grass around, the elephants would be content to feed and not pay much attention to anything else. Not so with this young bull who showed considerable bravado and aggression towards me when I tried to take his picture. Of course, with elephants it's their sense of smell which informs most of their decisions and my scent was drifting towards him on the wind. I took some photos [...]

Wildlife: Newly born elephant

This is the time of year for baby animals. Baboons, monkeys, impalas, puku, warthogs, and especially elephants. This little one was only a few hours old. The mother's legs were still covered in blood and he was very shaky on his own legs. We struggled to get a shot of him since he was so well protected in amongst the legs of his family, but occasionally we could spot him clearly. Strangely, baby elephants are just [...]

Wildlife: Leopard and Hyaena

There's a small spring nearby where many animals drink when there's no other water around. A couple of hippos made it their home this year as well, but recently one of them succumbed to the lack of nutrition and died in the lagoon surrounding the spring. Initially a leopard came along to have his share of the feast, but soon the hyaenas arrived and took over.

Private Guiding: Photo Safari with The Castle Team! | Flatdogs Camp | 8 – 13 Nov 2013

I've just finished a fantastic 3-day photo safari with a group of guests from Germany. Apart from being good fun, they enjoyed some great photo opportunities, and got some fantastic pictures. Here is a selection of mine, in no particular order. A stunning leopard who we watched for an hour on our first evening. A White-crowned Plover who trotted around our vehicle showing off his ridiculous yellow wattles. A Great White Egret who posed in the [...]

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