Share: Lion Brawl in Daily Mail!

My series of images of a brawl between rival lions has made it into the UK's national press. Have a look here for a (slightly inaccurate) write-up of what happened! No I did not say that I went out to see if I "could spot the pride eating breakfast"!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462878/Lion-sent-packing-trying-muscle-rival-prides-buffalo-kill.html?login&createduser_email=#readerCommentsCommand-message-field Here's a reminder of the title photo when the brawl was at its climax.

Wildlife: A Trip to Nsefu

I recently took a safari to the Nsefu Sector of the South Luangwa National Park. We were searching for Wild Dogs which are regularly seen in that area but they evaded us that day - such is life in the bush. Nevertheless, there was plenty else to see and the recent cloudy days had removed much of the haze from the atmosphere making the plains areas into a vast vista that we normally can't enjoy. In [...]

Wildlife: Lion Cubs – in the dark….

It was almost dark when I found these three cubs suckling from their mother. I pushed all the settings on my camera to eke out the last available light and managed to get some nice shots of the three. As it was getting dark, they were very active so rarely paused long enough for me to compose an image. Even so, seeing 2-month-old lion cubs is always a treat, so I thought I'd share what I [...]

Photo Safari: Luangwa Classic | Flatdogs & Lion Camp | 16 – 22 Sep 2013

So here they are, in no particular order. A female kudu and a couple of calves study us as we shuffle in the vehicle to settle cameras onto beanbags. Crossing in front of a grove of African Ebonies, a mother and calf head for better feeding grounds. From heavily sagging teats, we knew this lioness was caring for cubs somewhere nearby. Knowing that the outcome of her hunts would impact directly on her cubs, we took [...]

Wildlife: An awesome weekend…

We spent last weekend up at Lion Camp in the north of the park where I run some of my photo safaris during the year (have a look at the link at the top of the page for more info). This is the very best time of year for photography as there's lots of game around and not yet too much dust in the atmosphere. But we weren't prepared for the amazing weekend that we had. [...]

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