Wildlife: Snarling Leopards

I found this yearling female leopard when she had just killed a baboon. We kept well back as their adrenalin levels are very high at such a time, and their behaviour unpredictable. However her mother, an old female, was not so cautious and began to approach the carcass while the youngster was standing over it. Whether she was hoping to share, or to take it back in repayment for all the times she fed her daughter, [...]

Wildlife: Owl-fest

I recently had a group of guests who were mad-keen bird enthusiasts and hoped to get great sightings of as many species as possible. We had a lot of fun tracking down some of the Luangwa's specialities and visiting some of the less well-known areas. On the last evening, we decided to hunt for Owls which we had missed up to that point. An area of the park around Mushroom Lagoon gave us some great results. [...]

Wildlife: A Lion Bonanza!

On an all-day safari in the north of the park, we found part of a large pride of lions, known locally as the Mwamba Pride after the river which runs through their territory. It was quite late in the morning, so we decided to leave them to rest, and return when the light was softer and they might be a bit more active. We continued our safari, watched some elephants, had a long picnic lunch and [...]

Wildlife: Waterbird Spectacle

As the last remaining lagoons dry up, hundreds of fish-eating birds come flock together to hoover up the remaining fish in the ever-reducing volume of water. One of the largest lagoons in the area has been playing host to this astonishing spectacle over the last few days, and we've been there regularly to watch. Here's the scene at Luangwa Wafwa. The density of feeding birds is hard to imagine - this image shows just one small [...]

Wildlife: Helmeted Guinea Fowl

Often referred to as Silly Fowl for their apparent desire to rush out in front of vehicles on regular occasions, Guinea Fowl are nonetheless a charismatic and numerous personality in the bush! During the dry season, we find them in large flocks with their immature chicks from last rainy season. Nothing scares them more than the sight of an eagle landing in a nearby tree or the shape of a large bird of prey circling overhead. [...]

Wildlife: On the Run

While watching a group of Red Billed (Green) Wood-hoopoes yesterday morning, we heard a Puku whistling nearby. Initially we couldn't work out what she was worried about since she wasn't looking in any particular direction and had probably just got the scent of something scary. Eventually, we spotted a leopard which was moving in the long grass under the trees nearby. We watched as it stalked and then lay down in the shade of a tree. [...]

Wildlife: Best ever day on safari?

I've been lucky to enjoy many amazing days on safari in the South Luangwa National Park. But there are still some which are most memorable and stick in the mind above all others. There was the day in August 2009 when I left camp early and soon after found a leopard who had killed an impala and was dragging it across a plain and up into a tree. From there, I found Wild Dogs hunting and [...]

Photo Safari: Luangwa Classic | Flatdogs & Lion Camp | 17 – 23 Jul 2013

When you find an elephant at the side of the road, with long grass all around, compositional options are fairly restricted! We experimented with various options, including many of the classics, but I liked this one which is slightly different, and doesn't follow the 'compositional rules'. We spent an hour with this young bull, enjoying his feeding techniques and taking photos from all angles. He won our 'best-behaved' award for the week, allowing us to shuffle [...]

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