Skills: A discussion about the Canon EOS R5

I have been using the Canon EOS R5 for almost a year. I've put it through a safari season, with all the associated travel, knocks, bumps and dust which that entails, and I'm happy to say that it's coped very well. It doesn't have the ruggedness (some might say brick-like) feel of a 1-Series camera, but it doesn't claim to, and I enjoy the lighter weight of the camera in my hand. I added the BG-R10 [...]

Wildlife: One morning in April

Social media is full of high-impact, impressive images and videos which are a curated selection of events from the whole experience that is being promoted. This is true of the feed created by individuals as much as it is of companies hoping to sell their wares. And it's not that surprising; we have become conditioned to amazing images with huge emotional impact so our benchmark is constantly increased. Images which are poorly presented, or depict something [...]

Wildlife: a New Life in Luangwa

November is a challenging time in the Luangwa. It's hot as hell, we are approaching the end of the season, and both people and animals are counting the days until the arrival of rain brings respite to the land. The sun rises early, long before 5 o'clock, and the hot days drag on until the sun finally sets close to 7 o'clock. Early one morning, I entered the park and took the first left to follow [...]

Through the Lens: Ways to Photograph Elephants

Despite being the icon of Africa, savannah elephants are among the most difficult species to photograph well. I think there are four approaches which work effectively: family and group shots; behaviour; close ups and elephant-scapes. There are certainly other techniques which can be used too, but these are tried and tested methods which I know will yield good results. Starting with family and group shots with captions to explain the thinking behind each image. A low [...]

Life in the Bush: Visiting Zimbabwe & Mozambique

For the 3rd year running, we decided to spend Christmas and New Year on a road trip, exploring from Zambia into the surrounding countries. It's mid-summer in southern Africa and we live in a very hot river valley, so we sought altitude to escape the heat, and water to cool off! We planned an ambitious road journey of 5,000kms through 2 countries. Our journey took us from our home in eastern Zambia, south to Chipata, west [...]

Through the Lens: 2022 in Review

When the season comes to a close each year, for me usually in early Nov, I step away from my cameras, my computer and enjoy time with my family for a while. In the fast-paced routine of the season, I select and edit images at such a rate that it is often only later, once I've taken some time away, that I can review the year objectively. Of course, the headline stories and their associated images [...]

Trip Report: Kafue & Busanga Adventure | Oct 2022

Back in October, I led a trip to the Kafue National Park. This is the 4th time I have run my Kafue and Busanga Adventure, and I think it gets better each time! I was joined this time by 4 guests, all of whom had been to Zambia with me before (two of them twice!) but none had been to Kafue National Park. As with the previous 3 Kafue trips, the combination of the privacy of [...]

Guest Report: Don Magin | Pan-Zambia Exclusive Tour | Aug/Sep 2022

Don & Sharon travelled with me for the second time on a long photo safari. Sharon has already sent me a report of the trip, and it's great to share Don's with you now. I hope you enjoy reading about our travels to Kafue, Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa and Gonarezhou National Parks. Over to Don: I thought I would add some of my photos to supplement the story that Sharon’s great selection provided. This was our [...]

Wildlife: Birds Photos of 2022

I have always enjoyed studying images of wildlife. That moment, frozen in time, allows the viewer to examine closely the details of a hide, an eye, the ripple of a muscle of the construction of a gait. Photographs of birds, which are small, fast moving and often distant - but with perhaps more detail than any other creatures - are especially rewarding in the extra information that they reveal. But quality, close up images of birds [...]

Guest Report: John Erik Ellingsen | Kafue & Busanga Adventure | Oct 2022

I was much looking forward to John Erik returning to Zambia after the extended time away due to the pandemic. In the intervening period, he had spent a lot of time continuing to enjoy and develop his photography skills and techniques through visits to hides in the UK and overseas travel. He was well-prepared for whatever our photo tour to Kafue would throw at us and, as the images below show, he did justice to the [...]

Trip Report: Pan-Luangwa Tour | Shenton Safaris, Lion Camp & Nsefu Camp | Sep 2022

In the Luangwa, it doesn't get much better than a 12 night trip split between the hides of Shenton Safaris, the rich predator area of Lion Camp and the beautiful remoteness of Nsefu Camp. This was a trip that I had anticipated for a long time....and it didn't disappoint. I met Steve, John, Linda & Mike at Mfuwe airport one hot Sept lunchtime and headed to the beautiful Kaingo Camp. The action started right from the [...]

Do you read Travel Africa Mag?

In the age of social media, where time invested can yield amazing marketing returns, there is a temptation to feel that paid advertising is something of the past. But every time I receive my copy of Travel Africa Magazine, I remember why I pay quarterly to advertise with them. Quality long articles, beautiful images and timely features on the most important issues at the time; congratulation to the team at Gecko Publishing for maintaining the standards [...]

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