Leopard Cub

I wrote a while back about a female leopard who was rearing two cubs near to camp. The family haven't been seen for quite a while and we've been wondering about their progress. We knew that the male cub was showing much more signs of independence than the female, so we were expecting that we might find him on his own somewhere, but even he didn't show up. The other night, I spotted some very bright [...]

African Hawk Eagle

Hawk Eagles are one of my favourites - they're a beautiful, intelligent bird which use highly developed co-operative techniques to catch their prey. Together with their mate, they hunt ground birds, such as Guinea Fowl and Francolin, which make up the majority of their prey. We watched as a pair of African Hawk Eagles worked together to catch a Guinea Fowl. The female flew round in front of the birds, in an intentionally slow and visible [...]


We are lucky to have regular sightings of these beautiful cats. During the last few days of the dry season, when water is in really short supply, a bit of time spent at a popular lagoon will usually result in a visit from one of the locals! This big male is well-known to us and usually announces his presence with a throaty call which carries for several kilometers.

Pennant-Winged Nightjar

Nightjars are a group of birds which feed on insects during the hours of darkness. In the Luangwa, we have several species most of which are mottled brown to provide camouflage during the day. Male Pennant-winged Nightjars grow extra long primary feathers during their breeding season as a way of attracting a mate. I have yet to catch an image of one of these ghostly kite-like birds in flight, but I found one sitting on the [...]

Wild Dog Behaviour

I had a very interesting encounter with a pack of 18 Wild Dogs recently. By this time of year, this pack's activities are often centred around a salt spring in the back country away from the river. Whenever dogs can find a water source in a marginal area away from areas of high prey density, they choose to live and hunt around there to avoid confrontations with lions. Death by lions is the single largest cause [...]

Silent Kudu

I was watching a hyaena early in the morning yesterday, and when I lowered my binos, I found that a group of Kudu had emerged silently from the Leadwood trees nearby. When I turned to look at them, most fled, but one female remained for a few seconds before following the rest.

Raptor Morning

Some days, you can vainly scour the skies in search of Vultures and other large birds of prey, and other days it's as if there's a raptor in every tree. Yesterday, I was out with some guests and there wasn't much going on on the ground, so we started to look up and into the trees. On an open area of dead mopane woodland, we found this Yellow-billed Kite and nearby a Tawny Eagle which has [...]

Little Bee-eater

Out in the park yesterday, I saw a pair of Little Bee-eaters sitting on a low bush. They didn't move away initially which made me think that they might be nesting nearby. One of the pair flew off as we got closer, but sure enough, it dropped down to a little hole right next to the road that I had never noticed before. It wasn't carrying anything, but the presence of an egg-shell outside the nest-hole [...]

In flight

I've been trying for the last 4 years (off and on, not full-time, of course!) to get a photo of a Lilac-Breasted Roller in flight. I've always managed to get good shots of them sitting in bushes with nice backgrounds, but then they fly off when I'm not ready, or they fly out of the back of the bush! Luckily, I was recently with some guests who wanted to try and capture the same thing! They [...]

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