Bateleur Hunting

We have a beautiful lagoon near the entrance of the park, where a raised track allows you to look down over the area and observe animal behaviour without interfering. While I was sitting out watching elephants feeding on the rice grass, a Bateleur took off from a nearby tree and started hunting at my eye level. As it raced back and forth, I tried to keep up with my camera! At one point, it plunged to [...]

Close up!

When on drives, I don't often take my camera, since it's more important to position guests for the best photos than snap away for myself. But this morning, we managed to creep so close to this Lilac-breasted Roller, that I couldn't resist reaching for my camera and grabbing a shot!

Encounter with Lions

Over the weekend, I spent some time with a small pride of lions. Initially, they just lay in the sun, but later a couple of the females got up and began to stalk a pair of warthogs which were foraging nearby. The warthogs knew that something was going on even if they couldn't see the lions, so they never strayed into striking range - I decided to try to video the event, rather than taking still [...]

Bed Time with Baboons

After what seemed like weeks of camp building, I finally got out in the park again last night. During the rains, there is often a storm in the late afternoon, but on afternoons when there is not, the dramatic clouds and clear light make for great photos. As it was, I didn't take many photos until it was almost dark when I came across a troop of baboons preparing to roost in some Ebony trees along [...]

River Trip

I just spent a fantastic weekend on the river, a wonderful bonus of the high water at this time of the year. Very few people visit this area during the rains - and with unpredictable weather, it's easy to understand why - but those that do take the chance and book a boat safari on the Luangwa are in for a treat. Hippos are one animal that you won't miss; they lie around in languid groups, [...]

A Frisky Affair

It's well known that mating and relationships in the animal kingdom are rarely romantic. Dominance, fighting, relentless pursuit and agressive mounting are all part of a female's day, but when you add the power, speed (and claws) of a lioness to the equation, it gets a lot more interesting! We found this young adult male following a female down a track. She contiunally trotted ahead of him, but occasionally relented and allowed him to mate with [...]

Bat Hawk

While I was in the North Luangwa National Park recently, we went out to have a look at a large nest that had been seen in a Brachystegia. The finder of the nest had reported seeing a pair of Bat Hawks nearby, and concluded that they had constructed the nest. We consulted one of our field guides which said that Bat Hawks - a medium-sized raptor which feed largely on bats in the evening and at [...]


While I was away in the North Luangwa, many of the grasses that line the dambos in the park produced their seeds. I returned to find the elephants gorging themselves on the nutritious Rice Grass - or Lupunga as the locals call it. Baboons, whose diet varies considerably depending on what is available, were making the most of it too. This female has stuffed her cheek pouches full of seeds which she can chew at her [...]

Some days…..

....just aren't your day. The colours at this time of year can be fantastic, but there are also days where the cloud never burns off and everything looks flat and unappealing. I don't think this Brown Snake Eagle thought it was his day either as he was repeatedly mobbed and dive-bombed by this small Lillian's Lovebird. The grey sky behind certainly didn't help with getting the right exposure, but I think this shot correctly conveys the [...]

A Week during the Emerald Season

I've had my family and godparents staying for the last 6 days, and it's been a great week! When the rains came early in October, I feared that a January visit would be a complete wash-out; impassable roads, thick bush, endless bugs, sticky mud and very little game. How wrong I was. We've enjoyed cool, cloudy days with sunny spells, and game viewing to rival a week in the dry season. Here are some of the [...]

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