A dog’s life….

For a long time, the taxonomic status of hyaenas has been under discussion. Should they be classified with dogs (Family: Canidae) or with the cats (Family: Felidae)? In the end, they are sufficiently different from both to gain their own family, Hyaenidae. Here are two hyaenas making the most of the cooling waters of the Mushilashi, while idly chewing on an old buffalo skin.

Where did all the hippos go?!

I stood in roughly this same spot about two weeks ago and watched 400 hippos jostling for space in the shallow water. In the space of a few days, they've all moved out. Add 20 cms to the river depth, which is what the rain in surrounding areas has done, and it becomes uncomfortably deep for a resting hippos. The small amount of rain locally will also have re-filled some of the nearby lagoons, which the [...]

Photo shoot for Tribal Textiles

Apart from the occasional wedding, the vast majority of my photography work is about 'capturing the moment' with wild animals in their natural environment. It's challenging, unpredictable and frustrating because you are nowhere near in control of the situation. However, as I discovered recently, it's equally frustrating and challenging to photograph inanimate objects in a completely controlled environment. I was doing a photo shoot for Tribal Textiles - a nearby textile workshop and retail outlet employing [...]

Grooming time

Early morning and late afternoon are the busiest times for primates. Grooming, feeding, cementing relationships, caring for young and resolving disputes are common activities at this time. This morning, I sat and watched this young female grooming an older female. Possibly a member of her immediate family, but also possibly one of her ''friends'' within the troop, offering to groom a more senior member of the troop is all part of the system of reciprocity that [...]

Lion Cubs

A few months ago, the local pride male was regualarly seen mating with his females. Sure enough, 3.5 months on, there are lion cubs around. But this isn't always the case and we are lucky that so many of the cubs seem to be doing well. Lions certainly sit at the top of the food chain. And apart from hunting accidents (buffalo don't like to go without a fight) adults aren't at risk from predation. However, [...]

Road trip into the Miombo

Yesterday, I decided to explore a little bit of the interior of the park, the 40km wide strip away from the river. As you leave the valley floor, the temperature changes noticeably, and the surrounding vegetation changes even more. At this stage, you are beginning to enter the vast central African plain, which is mostly covered in Miombo woodland. This miombo habitat is made up mostly of Brachystegia, Julbernadia and Isoberlina tree species, and supports a [...]

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