Trip Report: Pan-Zambia Safari | Kafue, South Luangwa & Lower Zambezi | Aug/Sep 2022

This trip had, like so many, been postponed, but this one was rare in that it was only postponed once, not twice! I was really pleased to meet up with the group in Lusaka on 12th August, ready to fly out to the Kafue National Park early the next day. It was to be a long trip, spending time in 6 different camps in 3 different National Parks. Over 3 weeks, we would have time to [...]

Guest Report: Sharon Magin | Pan-Zambia Exclusive Tour | Aug/Sep 2022

It's the best accolade to have guests return for a second visit, as well as being a treat to see them again. I was so pleased when I could finally run a much postponed trip for a group of 4, including Sharon and Don, which would give us 3 weeks in the best National Parks of Zambia. During the pandemic, the mirrorless camera systems have moved forward dramatically, and both Sharon and Don came with Canon [...]

Guest Report: Chuck & Nancy Bell | Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa & Kafue NPs | Jun/Jul 2022

It was a huge pleasure to welcome Chuck Bell back to Zambia. He had been part of the US delegation in Zambia in the 1980s at a time when Zambia was struggling to find its feet. It was hugely rewarding for us to hear his stories and insights on that period, and for him to see the great steps forward that Zambia has made in the meantime. I was fortunate to guide him and his wife [...]

Guest Report: Alex Bajamonde | Track & Trail River Camp | Jun 2022

Alex joined me on safari in June. We had a great week with lots of fun and laughs...and some great moments in the bush. Read on for Alex's report, and also follow him on Instagram (he'll need to approve your request). My first time going on safari with Ed, hence I expected to learn, a lot. However, I did not expect to learn as much as I did, on more wide-ranging topics and at depth. Certainly, [...]

Guest Report: Mike White | Zikomo Safaris | Jul 2022

This was my fifth trip to South Luangwa with Ed and one that I’d been eagerly anticipating, particularly with the 3-year gap since the last one, due to Covid travel restrictions. This trip was a little different from the other four, in that I had decided to bring my 84-year mother with me. She loves all things nature/wildlife, so for her this was literally the trip of a lifetime. My main objectives for mum were for [...]

Trip Report: Exclusive Luangwa | Nsefu Camp & Lion Camp | Aug 2022

I had started talking to Iain, Ann, Stacy and Katie back in 2018 about a safari to South Luangwa. None had visited Zambia before and two of them had not visited Africa before....so I was excited to show them this beautiful country and to guide the first-timers with all the enthusiasm that inevitably comes from that! 4 years later, I finally met the group at Mfuwe Airport and I could tell immediately that we were going [...]

Skills: Why does the background matter?

All photographers go through a journey with their craft; while each person's exact route might be slightly different, there are some features which are likely consistent with many. When photographers start to take photos of wildlife, their early work is usually centred around getting photos of every species that they see, avoiding cutting off body parts if possible! With that achieved, the approach shifts towards sharper, better illuminated images of those same species. As camera skills [...]

Guest Report: Andre Erlich | Pan-Zambia Tour | June 2022

Back in June 2022, I hosted a 2 week Pan-Zambia tour visiting the Kafue, Lower Zambezi and South Luangwa National Parks. Andre Erlich joined me on that tour, bringing his wide range of travel experience, and highly-amusing stories, for the group to enjoy. He threw himself into the whole safari experience and engaged with everything the bush gave us. Of course, we had a blast, and he has kindly agreed to share some of his photos [...]

Trip Report: Bespoke Luangwa | Zikomo Safari, Nsefu Sector | Jul 2022

It's always a pleasure to welcome back repeat guests and this trip makes the magic 5 for Mike White who first visited the Luangwa with me in 2016! He does a lot of landscape photography when he is not shooting wildlife and he brings his critical eye and his attention to detail with light to each trip. Preferring to shoot a few, carefully selected scenes, we enjoy time in the bush seeking that perfect arrangement of [...]

Trip Report: Predator Luangwa | Shenton Safaris | Jul 2022

Liz & Paul had booked this trip way back in May 2019. It was great to meet them finally after all the delays of the last 2 years. Their remit was clear - simply to enjoy spending time in the bush and to get some great photos along the way. In many ways, this is the best approach of all; by taking time to appreciate all aspects of nature, we slow down and notice the small [...]

Tour Info: Kafue National Park in October 2022 – 25% discount

I first visited the Kafue National Park in 2019. Coming from the Luangwa Valley, which is always reported to be Zambia's best wildlife destination, I was prepared to be underwhelmed by Zambia's largest park. I was not just pleasantly surprised, but in fact blown away by the experiences on offer there. Excellent guides, thriving and diverse wildlife populations, a range of landscapes and the privacy on sightings which is increasingly the hallmark of a luxury safari [...]

Trip Report: Pan-Zambia Safari | Busanga, Anabezi and Lion Camp | June 2022

Zambia has much to offer visitors at any time of the year. But the dry season months -- from May to October -- give the most opportunities to access the rich wildlife areas that draw most of the tourism interest in the country. I was therefore very excited to be running a 2-week safari with time in 3 of the best wildlife areas in the country; the Kafue National Park, the Lower Zambezi and the South [...]

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