One of those days

Every day is different when you go out in the bush. Seasons change, animals' behaviour patterns change, and if they didn't I think the bush would lose most of its appeal. Even so, there are days when everything just falls into place, and at every turn (or so it seems) there is something wonderful to see. Waterbuck are often overlooked, and sometimes they don't get the attention they should; this big male was in no hurry [...]

Stormy Skies

We saw the first build up of storm clouds today, suggesting that we are heading towards the rainy season a little earlier than usual this year. We always have several false starts, where the clouds mass on the horizon, and the wind begins to blow, and then it all comes to nothing. This evening the steel-grey clouds mixed with the golden light of the setting sun to give a fantastic mauve effect. This Great White Egret [...]

Photoshoots: Robin and Rachel’s Wedding

Usually my blog is about wildlife, but I thought I would include a couple of photos that I took of a wedding yesterday, since the ceremony was in the bush, and there was plenty of wildlife around....!! Robin and Rachel got married at a place we call Elephant Crossing. We gave them a selection of locations, and they chose this one. I'm glad they did because the setting and the light were perfect. We also took [...]


During 2010, a new male lion appeared in the area, and ousted the existing pride male, an old boy named Slit (from a nasty injury that left him with a slit in his nostril). The new male was named Shaka, after Shaka the Zulu Chief who usurped his predecessor and was famed for his brutality. In fact, Shaka has been mating with the pride females almost continually since then, and hasn't had much time to show [...]

African Hawk Eagle

Coming back from the park this morning, I stopped on the bridge to talk to the ZAWA scouts at the gate. All the while that I was standing there, I could hear Guinea Fowl calling frantically from the area near our access road. I rushed down there, knowing that the extended calls from the ground dwelling Guinea Fowl signalled a bird of prey - which seem to be their biggest fear - rather than any other [...]

Kasanka & Bangweulu

A friend and I just enjoyed a fantastic trip up the Great North Road to Kasanka NP and Bangweulu Swamps. While both areas are famous for their birdlife, Kasanka is also home to the world's most visible popuation of the shy Sitatunga antelope, and the plains surrounding the Bangweulu swamps provide grazing for 100,000 Black Lechwe. The birdlife at Kasanka is astonishing, and we didn't have to try too hard to see lots of new species, [...]

Do crocodiles eat water birds?

It's a question that I've been asked regularly by guests over the last couple of years, and I think a question that I asked before I became a guide. The answer is usually 'no' but there's rarely an explanation as to why not! Because of the feathers? Because some birds clean the mouths of crocodiles so the reptiles respect all birds? I think crocodiles may take any water bird that comes too close, provided that it [...]


Almost the first game drive that I took this year, we found a Serval in the long grass near the old airstrip. Not commonly seen in this area, they are more at home in open grassy plains, which aren't in abundance here. Their huge ears and fantastic sense of smell allow them to hunt rodents in the long grass, pouncing on them from several yards away. They're also famous for hunting Guinea Fowl, sometimes jumping high [...]

Still Raining

Even at the end of March, it's still raining heavily several days a week. I don't mind too much as the showers bring a freshness to the air which has disappeared after a couple of days of hot sunshine. The leaden black skies look stunning as a backdrop to the fresh greenery all around. Birds are mating, insects are at their peak, and the park is lush and green. This Grey Lourie was enjoying the morning [...]

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