When the river’s very high, as it has been over the last couple of weeks, we can get out in the boat and enjoy a beautiful, water-level view of the Luangwa. As we floated downstream, we passed pods of hippos on all sides and watched abundant bird-life making the most of the plentiful prey during the summer months.

A Village (or Spotted-backed) Weaver was busy building his nest on a branch overhanging a lagoon.

A young Black-headed heron sat tight on a fallen tree as we passed.

And a majestic Fish Eagle posed on top of a Sausage Tree.

Sometime you wonder who is watching who.

Cattle Egrets are found in large numbers in the flooded grassland. They mingle with the large herbivores, hoping to snap up insects and frogs which are disturbed by their larger friends.

As the sun dropped, and the light turned golden, we found this Woodland Kingfisher on an exposed perch.

This Tawny Eagle kept a close eye on us as we passed.

And when we were slowing down and about to arrive at camp, I spotted this Little Bee Eater on a Combretum bush by the edge of the river.