Guest Report: John Erik Ellingsen | Kafue & Busanga Adventure | Oct 2022

I was much looking forward to John Erik returning to Zambia after the extended time away due to the pandemic. In the intervening period, he had spent a lot of time continuing to enjoy and develop his photography skills and techniques through visits to hides [...]

Guest Report: Chuck & Nancy Bell | Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa & Kafue NPs | Jun/Jul 2022

It was a huge pleasure to welcome Chuck Bell back to Zambia. He had been part of the US delegation in Zambia in the 1980s at a time when Zambia was struggling to find its feet. It was hugely rewarding for us to hear his [...]

Guest Report: Michael Thornton | Bespoke Luangwa | 22 Jun – 1 Jul 2019

I am thrilled to share a report that Michael Thornton has written about his time in the Luangwa with me in June 2019. There is also a selection of his images which brilliantly illustrate the story and the experience! It's clear from his words that [...]

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