Tips for Wildlife Photographers: #3 “Think about Light Direction”

Even those who know almost nothing about photography will know that you "put the sun behind you" when taking photos. This is not a bad maxim to use for photography and certainly it's a safe bet that images taken with the sun behind the photographer [...]

Tips for Wildlife Photographers: #2 “Focus very carefully”

Wildlife photography is a rich and complex subject. A professional can take a lifetime perfecting his art, trying new ideas, pushing his equipment to the limits and seeking that one moment which will make his name. However, whoever they are, and wherever they live, they [...]

Photo Safari Skills: What constitutes ethical post-processing?

The arrival of digital camera technology has put photo manipulation into the hands of every computer owner. Previously, only darkroom experts had the ability to control the output. Now that we all have this power, what level of 'adjustment' is ethical, and what is cheating?! [...]

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