With all the floods that have been troubling the Luangwa Valley, I have not been as active on my blog as I would have liked. Apologies for that.

I had a chance to visit the National Park over the weekend, and I trialled my new Canon 200-400mm f4 +1.4 EXT lens, so I will be writing that up in the next week. I’ll also be posting a blog that provides a summary of the different destinations that I visit, and why you might choose each one. And there is a blog about the different stages of editing an image. All that coming in the next couple of weeks.

But for now, a link to the wonderful 1962 film of Norman Carr — the Luangwa’s father of conservation — and his successful reintroduction of two hand-reared lions to the wild. Return to the Wild is a beautiful look at the Luangwa Valley of old – which most will recognise as entirely unchanged – and particularly at the style of films that were made at the time; simple, genuine storytelling with much less of the hype, jeopardy and tension that is introduced to most modern equivalents. I hope you enjoy it and please do share it.