When you find an elephant at the side of the road, with long grass all around, compositional options are fairly restricted! We experimented with various options, including many of the classics, but I liked this one which is slightly different, and doesn’t follow the ‘compositional rules’.

We spent an hour with this young bull, enjoying his feeding techniques and taking photos from all angles. He won our ‘best-behaved’ award for the week, allowing us to shuffle around and make best use of the golden sunshine.

These hyaenas mobbed a young leopard while she was trying to stash this puku in a Sausage tree, causing her to drop her prize. The two of them consumed the entire carcass in about an hour.

The early morning light in the north of the park is unparalleled. These impalas stood for just a few moments before fleeing.

A young warthog who approached our vehicle repeatedly, apparently seeking celebrity. The light was harsh, but sometimes it’s rewarding to try photographing in different lighting situations.

On our last morning, we raced out onto the plains to photograph zebras against the rising sun. These three stood nicely for a second allowing a good composition.

After many attempts, we managed to find an obliging Lilac Breasted Roller who would sit quietly while we waited for the light to catch in his eye.