Apart from the occasional wedding, the vast majority of my photography work is about ‘capturing the moment’ with wild animals in their natural environment. It’s challenging, unpredictable and frustrating because you are nowhere near in control of the situation.

However, as I discovered recently, it’s equally frustrating and challenging to photograph inanimate objects in a completely controlled environment. I was doing a photo shoot for Tribal Textiles – a nearby textile workshop and retail outlet employing more than 100 local artists (visit their website here) – to create a portfolio of web photos for their new range of products.

It was an exhausting 2 days which certainly required more concentration and technical skill than when photographing wildlife…..and rather less luck. The responsibility for the end result lies firmly on your shoulders since it’s not possible to blame a wild animal for moving at the wrong moment!

Here a few of the results. There will be many more of the photos on their website in the coming weeks.