I’ve been watching a pair of Crowned Cranes nesting in the long grasses of a swampy area over the last few weeks. When I drove past yesterday, I was a bit surprised not to find them there. I thought that perhaps they were nestled down in the grass, or perhaps had been chased off by a predator. What I had not considered was that they had reared the chicks and they were out foraging together!

The parents were careful to keep the 3 chicks in the long grass where I couldn’t really see them, so I just watched as the adults stamped the ground to flush insects which they then caught with their large beaks, or left for the little ones to deal with them. Eventually, when one of the adults took two of the chicks across the road, I grabbed the chance and took a couple of photos. Think it’s fair to say that they’ve got a bit of growing up to do!