It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like we will have a safari season this year! I can’t express my excitement about this, and also my gratitude to all my guests who have stuck with me over the last 2 years while we’ve navigated through the ever-changing challenges of the pandemic. Special thanks to Emma Seaman at People & Places Travel in Lusaka who has flawlessly juggled the thousands of emails which have been traded in the rebooking of all my tours.

This year my guests and I will travel to 6 National Parks in Zambia and to parks in Zimbabwe and Botswana too. I’m very much looking forward to all of these tours and to spending time in nature with people for whom it is also a sanctuary.

New on my list of destinations this year is Gonarezhou National Park in southern Zimbabwe. This area holds magical appeal for many, all the more because it is hard to reach and therefore remains out of reach for most. In early September, I will travel there with a group of 4 repeat guests, none of whom have been before.

We are looking forward to large herds of elephants, sand rivers, the towering Chilojo Cliffs and the chance of cheetah, wild dogs and black rhinos. But most of all, I eagerly anticipate the chance to explore a wild, undeveloped area with guests who love to do the same.

In preparation, I have been reading about Gonarezhou, the Trust which runs the park, the input of Frankfurt Zoological Project and the development of tourism in the area. Recently, one of my guests sent me this article by Africa Geographic which beautifully describes the appeal of the park and gives a window insight into what we might expect. Thanks Steve, for sharing it.