I first visited the Kafue National Park in 2019. Coming from the Luangwa Valley, which is always reported to be Zambia’s best wildlife destination, I was prepared to be underwhelmed by Zambia’s largest park.

I was not just pleasantly surprised, but in fact blown away by the experiences on offer there. Excellent guides, thriving and diverse wildlife populations, a range of landscapes and the privacy on sightings which is increasingly the hallmark of a luxury safari in the modern safari world.

I have subsequently returned with guests on 3 more occasions, and I am leading 2 more safaris to the Kafue this year. My guests love their time there, celebrating the fact that a morning can be spent tracking leopards through their hunting grounds in the floodplains and the afternoon spent relaxing on the Kafue River, boating towards kingfishers, finfoots and big cats resting on the cool sandy soil near the water. Not to be overlooked is that it offers a welcome respite from the hottest months in Luangwa as the elevation in Kafue is over 1000 metres!

Take a look at this slideshow of images from the last few years, the latest images of which are from just 2 weeks ago!

I am running a safari to the Kafue in October 2022. It’s 11 nights including 10 nights at 3 camps in the Kafue (3 at Busanga Bush Camp, 3 at Ntemwa Camp and 4 at Musekese Camp), roughly matching the itinerary of this tour info page. Very sadly 2 of the guests have had to drop out due to ill-health so I have two spaces which I would love to fill and I can offer at a significantly discounted rate – 25% off per person on a sharing basis….!

5-16 Oct 2022 (11 nights)
2 spaces available on sharing basis

We start with a night at Latitude 15 in Lusaka followed by a morning flight, on 6th October, into the wild and vast Busanga Plains in Northern Kafue National Park. This area is known for its high density of game in the late part of the season and for the famous lion prides, including males with large black manes. You can also expect large herds of red lechwe, sightings of oribi, African wild cat, serval and perhaps cheetah. Accommodation will be for 3 nights in the beautiful surroundings of Wilderness Safaris’ Busanga Bush Camp. We will enjoy the local knowledge and guiding of Isaac Kalio, long time Wilderness Safaris guide.

After 3 nights, we will head towards Ntemwa-Busanga camp, owned and operated by Jeffrey & McKeith Safaris. Both Tyrone (McKeith) and Phil (Jeffrey) know this area inside-out, locating specials such as large herds of sable antelope, roan antelope, wattled cranes and possibly leopard, Pel’s fishing owl and serval in the early morning and late afternoon. Close to Ntemwa camp there is also a small lagoon which is densely crammed with hippos, offering fantastic photo opportunities. This is a simple bush camp, with a small footprint, offering all the essentials and a true wilderness feel. Fall asleep to the sound of swamp nightjars, spotted thick-knees and lion calls.

After 3 nights with Phil or Tyrone at Ntemwa, we will take a lunchtime road transfer to their base camp, Musekese. This is in a prime miombo-grassland area, offering great predator sightings in the cool mornings and wonderful afternoon boating – expect African skimmers, hippos, crocodiles, African finfoot and sightings of lion and leopard resting on the cool, shady beaches close to the water. We also have an excellent chance to see wild dogs and possibly cheetah. Accommodation is in classy safari-tent style rooms with all amenities. 4 nights at Musekese Camp will give us ample time to explore the area and to give extended time for sightings to develop.

On 16th October, we will take a mid-morning flight back to Lusaka, arriving around lunchtime. An overnight in Lusaka may be required unless onward international travel is booked after 16.00 that day.

3 nights Busanga Bush Camp, 3 nights Ntemwa-Busanga Camp, 4 nights Musekese Camp. Private vehicle/boat with Edward Selfe guiding throughout and additionally with Isaac Kalio and Tyrone McKeith/Phil Jeffrey at respective camps.

Group size is 4. 2 singles are already booked and a double/twin room is available. 2 more single spaces may be available (at increased rate) depending on camp availability. Please enquire for more info.

USD 8,500per person sharing.
Includes: extra luggage allowance to cover camera kit.
Exlcudes: international flights, VISAs, premium drinks, personal purchases and tips/gratuities.

If you would like to join me, get in touch using the contact page.

Images of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in the kafue national park.

Images of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in the kafue national park.

Images of wildlife from photo safari with edward selfe in the kafue national park.